Welcome to the Shaka Studios Family!

Shaka Studios is a family-grown, home studio in Palo Alto, CA. After decades of collecting fancy gear and instruments, Dr. Kiki Chang decided to design and create his own studio with the help of his son, Zachary Chang. A psychiatrist by profession but producer at heart, Kiki used his free time at night researching equipment, taking every Music Technology class at Foothill College, and troubleshooting until the musical lab was finally complete in 2015. Since then, Shaka Studios has recorded a variety of local bands and artists, including Reverie, Mess, MW, and Zach C-O. The studio is located in a deep finished basement to be isolated from outside sounds, and it features a control room and a sizable live room with a full Gretch drum setup. It continues to grow and advance today and is currently primarily operated by Kiki’s son Zach, who studies Music Production and Engineering at Berklee College of Music.